Everyone face a problem that how they active FIFA 14 game and play it. FIFA 14 is difficult to active. So I give fifa 14 crack file so that you play easily.When you install fifa 14 then it want to activation. But many person download fifa 14 from torrent. So they can't active this game. But if you have install fifa 14 then just download this crack file and play full features game.
I give only FIFA 14 crack file. If you want full game download then please search torrent and download from torrent site. After download torrent install the game and then download our crack file and paste it.
How to crack:
1. First download crack file from this site.
2. Extract the zip file.
3. Copy all file with .dll file.
4. Replace crack file where you install the FIFA 14 game.
5. Now run "fifa14-3dm.exe" file.
6. Enjoy you game with full feather.